Hey guys! Hope you’re all geared up for this bleak and cold winter (hopefully not) and are looking forward to the cozy holidays and amazing dinners with the fam (hopefully).
We made a list of 3 games that you should definitely give a try during this holiday season.
Ready? Ok. Let’s go!
1. Need For Speed: Unbound (NFS Unbound)

A great new game that was just released. With graphics that make it look like the Spiderverse movies, and the adrenaline fueled action powered by childhood nostalgia, this is something you should NOT miss out on. Here’s the gameplay!
2. Deathloop

Time travelling first-person-shooter? Sign me up! Well, this is the perfect winter getaway with tons of replayability and… for you to make a hot cup of chocolate milk every time you feel you can’t get through a mission.
Basically the way this game works is, that you are stuck in a time loop. Every choice you make helps you advance and if you die, well, you start over. To stop the loop, you have to kill 8 targets. One of them, is out for your blood and will do anything for you to stop the loop and will cause you to reset it.
Oof. Sounds like a pain in the ass. But, the more times you die, the more you learn, and the better you get. Watch the gameplay here!
3. Desperados III

Another absolute no-brainer of a game… Desperados III! A real-time strategy game for all who love the wild west – this is the best choice for you. If you’ve ever played any of the older reiterations of the game, then you’re gonna enjoy this one even more – it is a prequel.
The story follows the history of John Cooper, the badass bounty hunter, and explores his past. Get ready to discover how he meets returning characters Doc McCoy, Kate O’Hara, and new ones like Isabel and Hector. Developed by MiMiMi games, it follows a similar gameplay style as it was in Shadow Tactics (another really cool game).1
Watch the gameplay trailer here:
That’s it from us this time! We wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from all of us at Gamers-outlet.net! 🙂