Why Cyberpunk 2077 Will Be The Greatest Game of 2020

Cyberpunk 2077 Preorder Game CD Key

Now that we have gotten over E3 2019 and the wholesome Keanu Reeves Cyberpunk memes, we can finally talk about the game, and why it’s gonna be one of the best games of 2020.

Let’s start from the beginning. This game is an RPG, and a story-rich game. It’s also massively open world-ish with an FPS perspective. As of now, there is very little information about the online/multiplayer game mode(s), but CD Projekt Red have confirmed its existence. Oh and yeah, it has Keanu Reeves.

It embodies almost all the major AND best aspects of any game into one whole brilliant experience, and as seen from the first 48 minutes of gameplay, it also looks BEAUTIFUL.

The character customization is extremely detailed and intricate, and is something you would spend hours on. From basic bodily personalizations to stat allocation, it is well thought of – and very fluid in nature.

Cyberpunk 2077 Customization - Gameplay
Cyberpunk 2077 Customization – Gameplay

Choices you make affect the ENTIRE game moving forward, and thus your overall gameplay. It is worthy to mention that this game is NSFW and 18+ for mature audiences only, which brings us to the matter of the story – it will be made for an older audience, with a story that has multiple layers in it, and have depth; pretty sure also a rollercoaster of emotions attached with it.

Being an RPG game, the interaction with objects, people and the environment (including surroundings) is simply awesome.

As you can see in this gameplay video below, these interactions are very personalized and actually fun.

You can drive cars, customize your weapons, your wardrobe to some extent, and also gain/increase stats by completing side missions, unlocking new content throughout the game, get new vendors to buy special items…the list just goes on.

The story is set in the future, and has taken a lot of real world issues/current events into account and created a realistic albeit virtual experience in the form of this game – and it is DARK. The future is not rosy, but it is ruthless, scary, dangerous and not for pussies.

All in all, this game has taken into account everything a gamer would want, and the devs want to provide the best possible experience for their audience – even adding absolutely ZERO microtransactions which already ranks it higher in my eyes.

Well, all we have to do now is wait for April 2020, which is when the game will be released. Are you ready? Good. We got a city to burn. 😉

Meanwhile, since you’re here, feel free to check our website out – http://www.gamersoutlet.net – the cheapest, best and most reliable game CD keys provider, for Steam, PS4 and Xbox.

DOOM ETERNAL Pre-Orders Open Now!

Doom Cyberdemon

Hell yeah!!! Doom, a game where the demon’s worst nightmare is YOU – As Doomguy.

You can now finally ram, smash and mutilate your demon buddies once again with Doom Eternal, and you can either pre-order it on Steam, or get a cheap CD Key for the digital version with us, right HERE!

Doom Eternal Buy Cheap CD Key Steam
Doom Eternal Gameplay

It starts right where it left off – on a cliffhanger; and Samuel Hayden, now kinda our new-ish enemy, banished up after receiving the powerful artifact. We return to Earth (unclear after how long) only to find it overrun by these demonic bastards and as the Slayer, cast them all out, one by one.

The most interesting part about Doom Eternal is that it has a brand new game mode that Doom (2016) did not have.

It’s called… the


A new 2 versus 1 multiplayer experience built from the ground up at id Software. A fully-armed DOOM Slayer faces off against two player-controlled demons, duking it out over three rounds of intense first-person combat.

Well, that’s what the description says, and I’m more than ready to try this out! Not only is this another lazy Battle Royale mode that MOST games nowadays are going for, but it is a new, innovative experience, built entirely from scratch.

Are you ready to be the Slayer? RAZE HELL!

Top 5 Reasons To Get Wolfenstein Young Blood

Wolfenstein Young Blood Buy

The ultimate Nazi killing gorefest is back, with TWICE the action, and TWICE the fun!

Game takes place 19 years after the New Colossus and America is finally free thanks to our hero Blazkowicz, but Nazi’s aren’t completely eradicated and are pretty much still a big deal in Europe.

Here are Top 5 Reasons to get this game and play it in all its glory!

1. CO-OP, Motherf*cker

Yes. It’s the ultimate co-op game, in like forever. You play as BJ
Blazkowicz twin daughters and if you have a friend to play with – EVEN BETTER. The new Deluxe edition of the game offers a Buddy Pass that allows 2 people to play the game, you, and a person who doesn’t have the game – and it’s at a very very reasonable price as well.

Check it out here .

Wolfenstein Youngblood Gameplay

2. Beautiful graphics, story, dialogue and gameplay

Contrary to what a lot of people thought that it isn’t a “good single person game”, (because it works best when you have a human as a partner and not a bot), it still is a brilliant game. The chemistry between the terror twins, the little easter eggs, old
Blazkowicz, the mesmerizing environment, badass gameplay and all in all, a short, but great story – makes this game a MUST BUY.

3. Bigger map, Arkane’s Level Design and LOTS OF SIDE MISSIONS!

Even though the game is not a long one and the story mode alone doesn’t cut it, but the side missions make sure you’ve got PLENTY to do.

Not just that, you also have Arkane’s level design, the same kind of design that was found in games like Dishonored. Remember that classic? The maps and areas are very intricate as well.

Wolfenstein Youngblood Map
Wolfenstein Youngblood Map


There’s tons of references to the old Wolfenstein games, and also the standard “Boss Fight at the end of every level” that take you back, wayyyy back. Seeing old BJ back also has something to do with that. After all, one of his daughters gives birth to Commander Keen and he… well gives birth to Doomguy.

There’s also mini games like Tetris that you can play and that’s pretty friggin’ cool too, I’d say.


This is truly one of the primary reasons to buy this game. C’mon. You get to kill Nazis, and by kill, I don’t just mean kill, but “Mortal Kombat fatality style rip their guts off” action that is very very satisfying.

Wolfenstein YoungBlood Nazi
Wolfenstein YoungBlood Nazi

So what are you waiting for? Go get the Deluxe Edition, grab a friend, and blow some Nazi brains all over your screen!

EXCLUSIVE leaked footage of Marvel’s Avengers from SDCC! Gameplay, mechanics and more…

Marvel's Avengers Gameplay Footage

Well, Comic Cons are always full of surprises and reveals, and this year is no different!

We got the Marvel Phase 4 announcement and the list of the movies that will officially be coming out later in 2020 and in 2021.

Marvel Phase 4 Comic Con Reveal
Marvel Phase 4 Comic Con Reveal

We also got to see Black Widow’s official poster, that features Taskmaster in the film!

And, Female Thor, which will be played by Natalie Portman!

Natalie Portman Revealed To Play Female Thor
Natalie Portman Revealed To Play Female Thor

Coming to our bigger reveal, the gameplay for Marvel’s Avengers was also officially shown to all viewers inside the room. Originally, people did not show a positive response to the trailer that was released during E3 this year, criticizing the look, graphics and the feel of the characters and the game itself.

Of course, it’s too early to judge, but first impressions usually tend to leave long lasting impressions, and they didn’t impress us a lot with their teasers and trailers.

Well, brace yourselves, because they proved us all wrong with this beautiful gameplay – which was recorded by PS5 Insider and uploaded to YouTube.


Not only is it very addictive, it’s also constantly switching between characters which doesn’t make it boring at all. We also get a glimpse at Taskmaster, one of MCU’s veteran villains.

More information related to the story and other aspects such as customizations, gameplay reveals etc. will be coming soon, so stay tuned!

The game will be released on May 15, 2020 next year. Can’t wait!

Wolfenstein Young Blood – Now AVAILABLE for Pre-Order!

Wolfenstein Young Blood Official Cover Photo

All you crazy Wolfenstein fans, here’s some good news, the pre-orders for Young Blood are open now, so get yourself a CDkey with exclusive digital pre-order benefits and DLC!

The best part about Young Blood is that not only is it as gory as the last Wolfenstein (perhaps even more), but it is a CO-OP game. We haven’t had a good co-op game in like forever.

The E3 2019 trailer for Wolfenstein Young Blood was electrifying and very very VERY satisfying to watch. We get to watch an old BJ Blazkowicz (mostly retired now) and his 2 fierce Nazi killing, badass daughters in action.

Watch the trailer here –

Did you know about this cool fact? If you’re a fan of Wolfenstein and ID Software, I’m sure you already know this, but if you don’t, prepare to be surprised!

According to the lore, (and the founders Tom Hall and John Romero), BJ Blazkowicz is the grandfather of Commander Keen. That means, one of his daughters in Young Blood, gives birth to Commander Keen!

Old BJ Blazkowicz In Wolfenstein Young Blood
Old BJ Blazkowicz In Wolfenstein Young Blood

And it doesn’t end there. Oh, no. Commander Keen, is the father of … wait for it… DOOM GUY! Yes. The ferocious, demon killing marine.

Let’s go in deeper though –
It was also a storyline in the Wolfenstein and DOOM RPGs; In the Wolfenstein RPG, BJ fought a demon the Nazis called “The Harbinger of Doom”, which BJ defeats. He destroys one of the Harbinger’s arms and a leg. The Harbinger of Doom curses BJ and vows to get revenge on his descendants, and he gets his chance to get it when the DOOM Marine faces him in the future, where he is known by a different name –
the “Cyber Demon.”

Doom Cyberdemon
Doom – Cyberdemon

Cool piece of info, ain’t it? It’s pretty cool to know that the entire franchise is so well connected and equipped with amazing lore.

Well, you are essentially playing as Doom Guy’s grandma in this game, isn’t that friggin’ cool? What are you waiting for then?! Pre-Order the game now!

That’s it for this time folks, have an awesome weekend and stay tuned for more! 😀

Nightwolf FINALLY Teased! New Mortal Kombat Film’s Sub-Zero KONFIRMED!

Mortal Kombat 11 Nightwolf Confirmed

That’s a lot to digest today – but let’s jump right into it.

Let’s start with the first big announcement – The new Mortal Kombat Reboot film has found it’s Sub-Zero!!!

It’s gonna be Joe Taslim, Indonesian actor and martial artist – a perfect fit for the role!

Joe Taslim Casted As Sub-Zero In New Mortal Kombat Film

James Wan is a man who doesn’t make bad decisions. If “The Raid” actor was chosen, then it must be for a reason. Well, we can’t wait to see what happens. As of now, the plot of the film is unclear and kept under wraps. We hope to see more updates in the future and a kickass cast to join the film too!

And, now, for our second news –


Mortal Kombat 11 Nightwolf Confirmed
Mortal Kombat 11 Nightwolf Teased

Finally, thanks to our Elder God Ed Boon, he was teased on his Twitter less than 6 hours ago. Who’s hyped?! He is one of the most badass MK warriors in the game and is truly an OG character.

Not only does he bring diversity to the game, but he does have a varied attack and combo list, making Nightwolf a super fun character to play as/with.

On a different note, get Mortal Kombat 11 here for an awesome discount by clicking the button below –

Buckle up, because the next few weeks are gonna be as exciting as this one – tons of updates to come!

Stay tuned for more, and bookmark our site for more news!

First 13 Minutes of CONTROL Released!

Control Wallpaper Remedy Entertainment

Remedy Games have lived up to their expectations time and again – Max Payne, Alan Wake, Quantum Break….and now finally with Control.

The game looks beautiful, and as you can probably tell, there’s a nice supernatural theme added to it.

Originally to come out as a sequel to Quantum Break, Control is a totally different game, although there are many easter eggs and nods to the former, and a possibility of them even being in the same universe!

Control Gameplay Remedy Entertainent
Control Gameplay – Remedy Entertainent

Yesterday, IGN just released the first 13 minutes of all new Control gameplay! You can check it out below!

Cool things to know about Control –

Third Person Perspective Gameplay

Northlight Engine used, same one used for Quantum Break

You wield a supernatural weapon, called the Service Weapon and as
Jesse Faden you must find what happened to your brother, and also bring order to the FBC (Federal Bureau of Control) from an outworldly force called the Hiss.

More on this later – just enjoy the video for now and immerse yourself in the brilliant gameplay!

Thanks for reading through, and have a great day! Bookmark our website for more updates every week!

Halo Infinite – All Things You Need To Know

Halo Infinite Master Chief Wallpaper

E3 2019 was a blast. We saw tons of cool games, trailers, reveals, etc. and it was fun.

Halo : Infinite was a part of the mega cluster – and boy, they didn’t disappoint.

Although Microsoft calls it a glorious reboot, it still continues from Halo 5, and resumes where it last left off. So technically, this is Halo 6.

Master Chief Halo  Infinite Wallpaper
Master Chief Halo Infinite Official Cover Art


The game will release in 2020, although no exact date has been confirmed or revealed as of now. In the trailer, it only said “Holidays 2020.”


As of now, Halo Infinite has been confirmed for Windows (PC) and an exclusive title for
Xbox Project Scarlett. So, we can expect the next gen console to be released around the same time of course, which is in 2020.

Xbox Project Scarlett
Xbox Project Scarlett


This is a nice one – Microsoft is going to be using their all new Slipspace Engine for the game, and it will be revolutionary.T


Well, this has a few points –

Master Chief will be the main protagonist here and the game will be more “human”, featuring more RPG elements and be immersive in nature.

Halo Infinite Gameplay E3 2019
Halo Infinite Rendered Trailer

The game will feature split-screen again, taking the feedback they received after it was removed in the last title.

It will not feature a Battle Royale mode as of now – Microsoft doesn’t want to sway in to that and do the same thing literally EVERY single game dev has been doing in these last couple of years.

It will most definitely have a multiplayer mode though. Oh and yes, the Forge returns! Endless possibilities, and will enhance the overall game.

Finally 2 important things – No loot boxes, and a private online beta incoming. There is little intel on microtransactions though, but of course, it’s still early to think about that.

Well, that’s all for this time, thank you very much for tuning in! See you again very soon!

Steam Summer Sales 2019 HUGE BUG – Event Gone Wrong!

Steam Summer Sales 2019

I’m sure everyone knows about the Steam Summer Sales unless you’re living under a rock – and there’s some news! The entire event is a huge bug pile and has caused an uproar on the platform.

The event began on the 25th of June, and will last until the 9th of July next week.

This time, the theme is Grand Prix – and you have to choose your own team, and get to race against them, boost yourself to reach the finish line, etc. It’s a little bit complicated, but you can check the full information here – https://store.steampowered.com/grandprix

Steam Grand Prix Summer Sale 2019
Steam Grand Prix Summer Sale 2019

Anyone can take part in it – and this is what you get!

“Drivers from the top three finishing teams on a given day will be selected at random to receive the top ranked item from their Steam Wishlist. This item must be available for sale, rather than merely Coming Soon. 300 drivers from the first place team, 200 drivers from the second place team, and 100 drivers from the third place team will receive a free title. Be sure to rank the titles in your wishlist, and add any new ones you’re interested in. At the end of the entire Grand Prix we will award 1,000 random drivers from the first place team the top three ranked games on their wishlist. For second place, we will award 1,000 random drivers the top two ranked games on their wishlist. For third place, will award 1,000 random drivers the top ranked game on their wishlist. “

Every purchase you’ve made after the Lunar Sale has been converted to tokens, along with the games you have played and the achievements you’ve received so far. All of these tokens can be redeemed at the Pit Stop to get cool new backgrounds, icons etc. and, here comes the main part – YOU CAN LEVEL UP YOUR SUMMER GAMES 2019 BADGE BY USING THESE TOKENS!

Now, this is a huge bug, because apparently levelling up the badge gives you a crazy amount of XP, and by crazy, I mean it’s absolute MADNESS!

Steam Summer Sale 2019 Mini Game
Steam Summer Sale 2019 Mini Game

For example, I had purchased like 7-10 games after the Lunar Sale along with a huge playtime in games like CS:GO and Rocket League (with a lot of achievements), owing to the collection of a huge amount of points, that I converted to tokens immediately. After getting around 30,000 tokens (Yes I did have that many) I simply upgraded my badge. In less than 5 minutes, I literally JUMPED from level 25 (Overall Steam Level) to Level 58.

Not only is this super erratic and unfair to people who purchased and collected tons of cards to level up, but it ALSO WILL CRASH the entire card trading market on Steam. The prices will dunk, and people will be able to level up on Steam without any effort.

Steam Summer Sale 2019 Profile Badge
Steam Summer Sale 2019 Profile Badge

Another bug was found using the game Starbound, and modding a quest – “Drink a Soda” – and with this mod, you can craft a huge amount of sodas and using autoclicker – just consume it to get points.

Within minutes, you’re able to generate thousands of points, for instance, the mod converts 1 dirt block to 500 sodas. Just convert 10 blocks – Get 5000 sodas. And each soda consumed gives you 10 points in the Summer Games. So, you get a total of 50,000 points. You see what’s happening here?!

Well, you can use this bug to your advantage before it gets patched – and go get those Steam Levels!

Thanks for reading this article, see you again very soon!

5 Reasons To Buy Devil May Cry 5 – And What Makes It A Good Game

Devil May Cry Wallpaper HD

DMC 5 is still relevant yes, and it has already sold 2.1 million copies after its release in March this year.

Here are 5 reasons you should get the game.

1. Overall is one of the best hack and slash games out there

Stunning graphics, breathtaking visuals, intricate combat, superb voice acting and phenomenal original soundtrack. The gameplay is impressive, the environment is decent and the level of detail put into things that you won’t even notice – is crazy.

Devil May Cry 5 Gameplay
Devil May Cry 5 Gameplay

2. You can replace cutscenes with live action pre-recorded videos

Buying the Deluxe Edition gives you access to “pre-viz”, something that allows you to switch the in-game cutscenes with the live action ones recorded to be put in the game (similar to Mortal Kombat where they used mocap) and is truly an awesome addition to an already awesome game.

DMC 5 Pre Viz
DMC 5 Pre Viz

3. Hard to learn, hard to master

Not only is the complicated combat hard to learn, but you need lots and lots of practice to master it as well. It takes divine skill and agility to perform a variety of long ending combos and to stay alive against the bosses. The level of work and detail put into the combat animation is truly a nonetheless.

Devil May Cry 5 Cutscene
Devil May Cry 5 Cutscene

4. Multiple combat styles

Each character has a unique and fun combat style in Devil May Cry 5. You can play as 3 characters, and every character has their own charm. In short, you never get bored and the addictive combat keeps you on your toes!

Devil May Cry 5 Multiple Combat Styles
Devil May Cry 5 Multiple Combat Styles

5. The bosses are fucking hard

Not very surprising in a DMC game, but yes, the stage bosses and also the final boss, are super difficult to beat and is no piece of cake. You will die multiple times. You will rage. You will bang your keyboard or your controller. You will also take a nice, long, deep breath, and resume fighting.

Devil May Cry Final Boss Battle
Devil May Cry Final Boss Battle

With new DLC incoming and the availability of secret missions, not only will this get you back in the game if you’ve already finished it, but also is a nice extension to keep you hooked.

Well then, what are you waiting for? Get DMC 5 by clicking on this button below for an unbelievable price and GET THOSE COMBOS!

As usual, thanks for tuning in, and bookmark our website if you like our content!